Dumbarton Rail First Phase

Due to the high cost to reimplement rail across the Bay along the Dumbarton Corridor, a less costly alternative has emerged to provide rail service on a part of the critical transportation corridor, and allow the Dumbarton Corridor to be built in phases, which is a common approach to expand rail in most areas.

Proposal description

Image: City of Menlo Park

The first phase would reimplement rail between the Redwood Junction, where the corridor meets with the Caltrain main line, and Willow Road. Rail service on the corridor can be provided as a continuing service from the Caltrain main line, or as shuttle service from the Caltrain main line. At Willow Road, passengers can transfer to shuttle buses to reach employment sites, or to Dumbarton Express buses to the East Bay.

Project benefits

  • Consistent with Menlo Park’s General Plan for the Facebook area
  • Supports future developments along the Bayfront Expressway corridor
  • Significantly improves transit access for North Menlo Park and East Palo Alto residents
  • Provides alternative to surface streets through Menlo Park, East Palo Alto, and Palo Alto for bridge transit commuters.
  • Supports future extension across the Bay to East Bay.


Need to identify sponsoring agency. Agency identified must be willing to support the project, has the ability to lobby for funding, and not be distracted from other priorities.

Environmental clearance – Environmental clearance for the entire Dumbarton Rail project is held up because of lack of funds to complete the project. If funding is identified to complete the study regardless of project funding, it would also help to clear the first phase of the project.

Funding – need to identify funds to complete the first phase of project.

Project cost

Yet to be determined.

Green Caltrain updates on Dumbarton Rail

[hungryfeed url=”http://www.greencaltrain.com/feed/?s=dumbarton” feed_fields=”” item_fields=”title,date” max_items=”8″]

Streetsblog articles on Dumbarton Rail

[hungryfeed url=”http://sf.streetsblog.org/feed/?s=dumbarton+rail” feed_fields=”” item_fields=”title,date” max_items=”8″]