Dumbarton Bridge Road and Rail, looking east
You can see the train trestle towards south (to the right) of the highway span. (A bridge of the Hetch Hetchy Aquaduct crosses the Bay between them.)

Dumbarton train trestle viewed from the west end of the nearby highway bridge.
The elevated rails and trestle of the old railroad line
Southern Pacific’s Dumbarton Cutoff train bridge.
The cutoff was the first bridge across the Bay. It carried freight trains from 1910 to 1982. The swing span allowed boat traffic to pass through. Now it is permanently welded open. The bridge is currently closed, and its ends are fenced off, but it may someday carry commuter rail traffic.

See Also
- Newark Railroad Pictures
- Dumbarton Hiking/Biking Bay Trail
- Photo from bridge bike path, July 2005 (courtesy of Bill Bushnell)